Time crisis 2 rom
Time crisis 2 rom

time crisis 2 rom

It may seem useless until the train level - you'll notice that in one section all the guys are ORANGE (harder)! Gun Calibration: Before inserting the last token, hold the trigger and step on the pedal. If you shoot enough, the game will have MUCH more sharp shooters. Free Shots: For free practice sessions, pick up the light gun and begin shooting at the title screen, the one that says "Time Crisis 2" Hard Mode: There is a way to make the game harder. If you hit him enough times, in the scene where the agents attack him from both sides yellow bonus soldiers will appear instead of the regular gray and white soldiers. When fighting Wild Dog for the first time, shoot him as many times as possible - while he's on the pipe, while he's running, while he's shooting back, and also in the next scene where you fight him individually.

time crisis 2 rom

Stage 3 Bonus: This only works in Solo mode. You will take the other route with some bonus enemies. Stage 1 Secret Area: In stage one when you see the boss, shoot off his hat all four times, and you'll be treated to an area where there is nothing but yellow guys (the bonus guys) Stage 2 Secret Area: On stage 2-2 shoot the two bonus enemies when the train goes past you. Shooting an enemy 3 times in a row nets you more points overall and counts toward your hit combo, but don't waste too much ammo or you'll find yourself reloading more often (and hence, wasting time). This way you should be able to get through the stages without wasting too much time behind cover. So stay out of cover for as long as you can, and dodge the shot when you see it coming. None of the enemy's bullets will ever hit you unless they are accompanied by a flash of red light from their gun.

time crisis 2 rom time crisis 2 rom

TIPS AND TRICKS Be on the lookout for soldiers clothed in yellow that run past on occasion - they are hard to hit since they only appear for a very short time (and more often than not, rather far away), but shooting them successfully will net you a load of points. New to the series is the link-play system, where 2 people can play at once and shoot, if 2 cabinets are linked together. It was then released on March, 20th 1998 in Japan (even if the title screen says 1997). TECHNICAL Namco System 23 hardware Game ID: TSS Main CPU: IDT 133.3289 Mhz), H8/3002 14.7456 Mhz), H8/3334 14.7456 Mhz) Sound Chips: C352 24.576 Mhz) TRIVIA Time Crisis II was shown at the 1998 AOU Amusement Expo show (February 1998) in Japan. A top agent has been kidnapped, and a military satellite has been stolen, leaving 2 mercenaries to track them down and stop the terrorists before they can launch the satellite - and the agent - into space! Contains more of the same duck-and-cover shooting gameplay that made the original Time Crisis so popular. Arcade Video game published 24 years ago: Time Crisis II © 1998 Namco.

Time crisis 2 rom